Career Talk with a Black Lesbian Recruiter

The job market nation wide is tough. There are barriers across all industries, but it’s especially tough if you are trying to enter into or advance through big tech and Corporate America – two industries known for their cut throat hiring processes and intricate political environments that often require social acumen that can only be learned through experience. This difficulty is magnified for those job seekers who are newer to the industry, or who don’t know the route to the tech or corporate position they ultimately want to obtain. 

Keiyana (she/her), a Senior Diversity, Equity and Inclusions (DEI) Recruiter and Black lesbian based in the SF Bay Area with over 10 years of tech and corporate recruiting experience, is on a mission to help change the rate of success for black people, women and queer people in the current job market.

“I love talking career,” says Keyiana. “It’s my personal goal and mission to help level out the playing field.”

Drawing upon her experience leading employee resource groups (ERGs), teams, and full cycle recruiting for next gen talent and more,  Keiyana has big plans to demystify the hiring process by sharing tools, resources and insider tips on how to go from job seeker to gainfully employed in a high income earning position. 

“If you feel like you have been left out of the conversation or have come from historically marginalized communities, then what I have to offer is especially for you,” shares Keiyana.

The kick off? Her 5-day series on LinkedIn called, IF I WERE A JOB SEEKER, for a lighthearted, humorous, visual representation on how to navigate the job market. Below, Keiyana has given us a sneak peek of some of her series gems:

1. Ask Yourself These 3 Critical Questions

Gone are the days of applying to 100 jobs per week. Reflect on what you want in your next role. Apply with strategy. As yourself:

  1. What’s your motivation and current priority?
  2. What are you willing to sacrifice?
  3. What’s the reality of your situation?

Understanding these three components will help anchor yourself in your own values as you begin your search – because at the end of the day, you’re the one who is driving your strategy.

2. Resume Clarity over Aesthetics 

“Did you know the average recruiter can review a candidate’s resume in 10 seconds and determine if they are a match for the role?,” explains Keiyana. “The aesthetics of a resume is not important, but your resume should be easy for your reader to understand and quickly able assess the following: skills, education, experience, and extracurricular activities.” 

Follow Keyiana Arnold on Linkedin for the rest of the IF I WERE A JOBSEEKER series, grab job searcg tips from her website, and keep in touch with her on Instagram.








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